
The Women's Ministry exists to encourage and affirm women of all ages and from all walks of life.
Join us in our various activities throughout the year as we draw closer in our walk with God through fellowship and Bible Study.

Women’s Bible Study
Village Church, 3216 W. Victory Blvd., Burbank (818) 843-4883
8:45 A.M. or 6:30 P.M.
Women of all ages are invited – Childcare is available.

Elijah: Faith and Fire
By: Priscilla Shirer

Elijah emerged as the voice of unapologetic truth during a time of national crisis and moral decline. His ministry was marked by tenacious faith and holy fire – the same kind you will need to remain steadfast in current culture.  Join this study for a fresh look at Elijah and the difficult choices of obedience that kept him anchored, sharpened his faith, broadened his impact, and invited heaven’s fire to fall.
books are $18

September Dates:
09/06 - Introduction
09/13 - Week 1
09/20 - Week 2
09/27 - Week 3

October Dates:
10/04 Week 4
10/11 - Week 5
10/18 - Week 6
10/25 - Service Day *6:30-8:30 PM

Amos: An Invitation to the Good Life
by: Jennifer Rothschild

Amos is often called a prophet of doom.  And when you begin to read his prophecy, it doesn’t take long to realize his nickname fits.  On the surface, his prophecy doesn’t sound like a happy formula for the good life. However, every condemnation he gives serves as an invitation, a cry for us to “seek God and live”

(Amos 5:4).  You’ll be invited to live assured, faithful, chosen, humble, justly, prayerful, and hopeful. This kind of living will bring us and others around us peace and true prosperity. Amos is promoting the God life, and, the God life is the good life!
books are $23

November Dates:
11/01 - Introduction
11/08 - Lesson 1
11/15 - Lesson 2
11/22 - Thanksgiving Break
11/29 - Lesson 3

December Dates:
12/06 - Christmas Party
12/13-01/03 - Christmas Break

January Dates: 
01/10 - Lesson 4
01/17 - Lesson 5
01/24 - Lesson 6
01/31 - Lesson 7

Live Intimately: Lessons from the upper Room
By: Lenya Heitzig & Penny Rose

This is it. After three years of ministry, traveling the countryside, encountering thousands of desperate people, and delivering a radical new message, Jesus has one last night to spend with His disciples. And He knows it. What does Jesus say? How does He say it? What can we learn from His final words? Put yourself in the upper room, there with Jesus and His closest companions as He gave them His final instructions (John 13-17). Imagine what it would have been like to hear His voice mere hours before His death. With each lesson, you will come to a deeper understanding of the truths of the Bible and develop a deeper intimacy with God.
Workbooks are $15

February Dates:
02/07 - Lesson 1
02/14 - Celebration of love
02/21 - Lesson 2
02/28 - Lesson 3

March Dates:
03/07 - Lesson 4
03/14 - Lesson 5
03/21 - Lesson 6
03/28 - Lesson 7

April Dates:
04/04 - Easter Break
04/11 - Lesson 8
04/18 - Lesson 9
04/25 - Lesson 10

May Dates:
05/02 - Year End Party