“I am the way…” (John 14:6)
At Village Church, we love to think of the Christian life in terms of hiking a trail. Hiking is not simply about getting from Point A to Point B as quickly as possible. Obviously, the destination is important. But the point of a hike is also to experience the journey itself.
The entire hike is an adventure from beginning to end. All along the way, there are valuable lessons to be learned and unforgettable experiences to be shared.
Jesus is not simply a means to an end. He invites us into the ongoing adventure of becoming his actual apprentice for life. This is the life-long process popularly known as “discipleship.”
Disciples are those who gather with others to form their lives around particular disciplines in order to become like their teacher. Throughout the history of Christ’s church, Christians have embraced certain formational practices for the purpose of spiritual growth (e.g. worship, prayer, scripture, community, giving, fasting, etc.). Through practices like these, God’s power can gradually form us into people who authentically follow Jesus and live a cross-shaped life.
While each individual’s journey will be personal and unique, none of us are meant to hike the Jesus way alone. Together, we are on the path of becoming like Jesus. Scroll through the links listed in the “What We Do” menu to learn more about how we walk the Jesus way together at Village Church.