Saturdays | 5pm Sundays | 9am & 11am
In giving your life to Jesus, you discover who God has created you to be. As you give love, devotion, and allegiance to God, you find yourself changing, becoming more like Jesus.
Worship is how we keep our eyes on Jesus.
Worship is both public and personal. Worship is more than our public weekend gatherings, but it is not less than that. We gather for public worship in-person on Saturdays at 5PM (PST) and on Sundays at 9AM and 11AM (PST). Our Sunday 11AM service is streamed online through Youtube. We practice weekly communion at the conclusion of each service.
At the beginning of each service, we make the following Confession of Worship as a way to remind ourselves why we gather.
We have gathered in the name of Jesus Christ.
We have come to this place to worship God.
We have come to confess that Jesus is Lord.
We are not here to be entertained,
We are here to encounter the sacred.
We are not consumers,
We are worshipers.
We praise and adore the living God,
Who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.